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My name is Alvin, and I am lonely.

Posted on Sep 12, 2017

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        I was driving back home at 3 in the morning, and I felt alone.

        It wasn’t the loneliest of nights that I have felt. But it felt lonely enough to have that bruised, sinking sensation in my chest. It’s the kind of loneliness where I feel...


Managing depressed and anxious feelings the healthy way.

Posted on Oct 27, 2017

There are a variety of methods that has been shown to be effective in managing depression and anxiety. Among them, psychotherapy or counseling sessions has been shown to be particularly helpful in developing new skills in managing these emotions, and to work through personal issues that a person feels “stuck” with. There are also medications that can be helpful in alleviating these feelings, and can be...


Asking the right questions can transform your life.

Posted on Jan 05, 2018

We ask ourselves many questions each day. This is usually in response to something that is happening in our lives. When you are feeling hungry, it could be as simple as asking ourselves what is for lunch. While encountering a thought provoking moment, one might ponder on life's greater questions, like "What is the meaning of life?". We might dwell in these questions for varying amounts of time, but will usually...


How Thinking Differently Can Lead You To Happiness

Posted on Jan 11, 2018

In 1997, the technology company Apple released a very successful ad campaign with the tagline: “Think Different”. It featured prominent figures who were known to be unconventional. However, as a result of being different from the rest, they are also celebrated because of the advancement they have made to their field or mankind. 

"Think Different"...